Saturday, September 3, 2016

Presenting the Bitcoin Application Funds

11:39 03/09/2016

We are presenting the Application Bitcoin Fund which will works as a generating income with calculated returns in long time deal.

How it works?
You will invest a value that will be used as reserve and guarantee rights about a digital activity which generate cents of dollars this ammount will be converted to bitcoin and paid as dividends for each shareholder of this fund.

How much I invest?
We are starting with this idea totally manual, so the minimum its BTC 0,001041 ($0.60) the returns over this will start at 2% per week.

The Funds

Bitcoin Fund AB1X
Creation time: September 3rd, 2016
Returns: 2% per week
Limitations: Fund limited to 6 Shareholders/Investors
Important note: The success of the fund don't depends from more investors, it's different activity part.
Investment deal: Dividend ammount and Exit option move.
Investment Enter: BTC 0.00142 / USD $0.60
Total updated bitcoin fund: BTC 0,0000001734 / USD $0.0001
Total of Investors: 0/6
I want to invest

Bitcoin Fund AB2X
Creation time: September 3rd, 2016
Returns: 2% per week
Limitations: Fund limited to 6 Shareholders/Investors
Important note: The success of the fund don't depends from more investors, it's different activity part.
Investment deal: Dividend ammount and Exit option move.
Investment Enter: BTC 0.00142 / USD $0.60
Total updated bitcoin fund: BTC 0,0000001734 / USD $0.0001
Total of Investors: 0/6
I want to invest

StartupBitcoin ALXCTY1 Private Fund 
Visit the page of the fund.
Creation time: September 3rd, 2016
Returns: N/D
Total generated bitcoin fundBTC 0,000004168 / USD $0.0024

--- Timeline Generation of Bitcoin
September 3rd, 2016 12:29 am Brazil | tweeted

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